MashJefTixXx is a pure product of modern society that was born in Belgium, during the COVID pandemic, ...
... on a difficult day, after hanging the cat, tying up the children and noticing that we didn't have a balcony high enough for an efficiant jump, ...

Music made for and with fun is always better than sitting between two stages at a shitty festival waiting for the flood while drinking warm beers!

Music made using 100% Recycled Materials! - All rights to Original Content Creators!

Don't sue me, I don't have money, ...
Don't send me in jail, I have wife and kids, ...


MashJefTixXx - Conceptual Albums


MashJefTixXx - Theme Mashup Compilations


MashJefTixXx - Mashup Compilations


MashJefTixXx - The MashUp Mess (MashUps Mixes)


MashJefTixXx - Back To The 80's And 90's Party Magimix ® [4h Special Birthday], Part Two / Part One
